sexual impotence is what i have?
i dunno maybe its the right phrase
please tell me if i am wrong
the question is i think
can a woman do more than be available
well and yes instigate... no no that may not be the word
i am trying to say
i am pretty old ... 57...
and the number of GREAT sexual experiences are just not that many
i mean there have been a couple of great lovers
one long term and one less so
and some other great nights
its seems that is always up to the man
how many times... even if its more than once
or the intensity
or duration
my words here just arent cutting it tho
i will say this
if it was me
if i had the power ... or the touch ... or just the what to do
i would make love so much and so long and so intensely and so often
i would touch them the best i knew how they liked and look in their eyes and move so slowly and just the way they liked
and i would do it again with a different feel and tempo
and then again and again
and if i was a man
after we would walk
and that woman would be filled with me
and we would both eat so greedily
needing the calories and with our fingers
even greasy meat and fries and fruit and wine
and touch each other again
fall into a daze and
sleep so deep
except she would wake just a tiny bit and move her hips
and his hand would graze her nipple
just enough
and i would/ he would slide into her