when i went to nap this aft two of my cats were on the bed
i pushed over the male cat just a little
and took a chance
he is very big 16 pounds i think and he and i use to be very close (so to speak)
so i pretended he was a pillow or a teddy bear or maybe a person and put both my arms around him
he rested his head on the arm under him and purred and purred putting his big old paw on my face as we drifted off
well at least i tried because little tiny yet full grown female was there
and she loves the male and tho he likes her he will not let her cuddle up
and she wanted part of this lovefest he and i were having
she circled and licked my hand as i petted her
then circled some more
tried climbing on my side and purred for a while
then down again trying to get in close
lay down close
got up licked me some more
stared at us
at last settled down
later W and i went to an Alanon meeting
we havnt been for ages
alanon is for people who are friends and relatives of alcoholics
...when somebody elses drinking causes them a problem...
so the meetings can be emotional
and for the first time there was a small dog in the room at the meeting
a young man spoke warning us "he was not going to be gender appropriate" in that he would likely cry
and he did
after the small dog went to him
putting his front paws on the young mans lap
it was a beautiful moment
no one spoke
just watched and smiled as the man patted the dog
Wonderful beings; we humans hardly deserve what they offer us.