Saturday, March 14, 2009

more on blankets

like alot of textile lovers and sewers and folks like that
i have alot of fabric

this last year i decided to do more of these blankets
hansewn and in varying combinations
cant remember why i decided to start

i know one was a bag of scraps of 4 prints all red and white
or green and white
or red green and white
and i cut and pinned some and took it home to stitch

another was all pinks purples and maroons

and one for my son black white cream with some skulls an t shirt logos

these 3 totally handstitched are actually done

pics to follow

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the pictures :) I'm a fabric lover, too. But an impatient quilter; I always use the machine, and do it as quickly as possible. Never perfect, but lovely still.


