Monday, March 23, 2009


i am so ashamed to have trusted again

so ashamed when i knew his sting already

i wanted to believe in love over fear with him

yet as soon as i opened my heart he slashed it again
and i am still bleeding


  1. Did this just happen? You are not telling history? Who are you ashamed for? I hope you never feel ashamed for opening your heart and trusting someone. We should be able to believe in love.

  2. {{{Lirio}}}
    My hope is this is history as Rachel asks...but if not I am so sorry that you are feeling this today (or any day) Shame is such a hurtful emotion (I know it well...)

    Your pictures above are so beautiful. I wish you felt inside the way I feel when I look at your art.

    If there is anything I can do, let me know.

    And yes, to Rachel, we should be able to believe in love...even through all the complexities of human emotions....


  3. I know this feeling all too well. I have found that I give my own trust and love too easily to those who don't deserve it, and not readily enough to those who do.

  4. Glad you are feeling better, dear. On to bigger and better things, chuckle!


